The present passage is critical to theories on millennialism, be it pre-millennialism or post-millennialism (with their numerous variations). A vital question that must be addressed before anyone enters the debate in relation to millennialism is what other passages of Scripture say about Satan’s degree of freedom. The multitude of theories built on Revelation 20 illustrates that this passage is somewhat obscure (as any honest reader will readily admit). A fundamental rule for all reading (whether of Scripture or the newspaper or a legal document, etc.) is that the more difficult and obscure sentences must be read in the light of easier and clearer passages, and never the other way around. Other passages of Scripture make plain that Christ Jesus has bound Satan during his time on earth (Matthew 12:29; John 12:31; Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 12:9). In Revelation 20 the Holy Spirit illustrates this gospel in graphic manner. The terms used—key, pit, chain, one thousand years, etc.—are not to be understood literally but symbolically.
It is clearly inconsistent (and subjective!) to understand some of these terms as literal and others as symbolic. As this is the book of Revelation, we need to move to literal reading only when the context clearly requires it. As to the term one thousand years,
every other use of the phrase in the book of Revelation is symbolic. So one needs exceptionally good grounds to insist that in the present paragraph the Spirit intends the term literally.
1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain.