1. 1 Samuel 8:1–22 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for 1 Samuel 8

1 Samuel 8:1–22 (ESV)

1 When Samuel became old, he made his sons judges over Israel.

In short


  • Introduction

    Consider the universal search for comfort and security in a broken world and how it relates to 1 Samuel 8.

  • The sinful request for a king

    • Explain: why is it surprising to read that Israel’s request for a king was sinful?

    • Explain: what was the sin that motivated Israel’s request for a king? Why is this sin particularly heinous given the events of 1 Samuel 7?

    • Explain: what is idolatry and how does idolatry feature in the request for a king?

  • The Lord is gracious and trustworthy 

    • Explain: why does the Lord agree to the elders’ request if their request was sinful and wrong?

    • Explain: what is the difference between a king who is like the nations and the kind of king that God wants to give his people?

    • Explain: how does the Lord’s decision to grant a king like the nations serve to create a longing for a godly king in the hearts of his people?

    • Explain: who is the godly king that all old covenant kings anticipated? What did he do?

    • Explain/Apply: the Lord will sometimes give us what we want in order to show us the error of our ways. Does this mean that foolishness is the path to godliness? How does the Lord want us to live whilst we wait for the return of Christ? Give examples of things that people generally look to for comfort, and emphasize that material comforts will not last.

  • Prayer of response

    Heavenly Father, we thank you that you have given us a perfect king in your Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Truly he is a king who meets all our needs. Through his death he made atonement for our sin and was seated at your right hand. At this very moment, he is pouring out heavenly gifts upon us and, by his power, he is defending and preserving us against all enemies.

    Looking at this world, it often seems as if Christ is not in control. We experience hardship and pain; there is a lot of suffering. We know, Lord, that this is the way things will be until this world is recreated and Christ returns in glory. Help us to trust you in these circumstances, to find comfort in the fact that we belong to you and that nothing and no one will separate us from your love.

    In particular, we ask that you work in us by your Spirit that we might not put our trust in princes and material things. We find it so easy to think that all our troubles will be gone if we have a certain income or if a certain political party is in control. Forgive us for this thinking, and please do not let our desire for security lead us into sin. Instead, may we submit to your commandments at all times knowing that they are for our good and your glory.