Consider what it means for God to be holy. How do we generally think about that word? Relate God’s holiness to 1 Samuel 5–6 by drawing attention to the question asked by the Israelites in 1 Samuel 6:20.
The holiness of the Lord and the Philistines
Explain: recap the ark’s coming to and movement in Philistia. Try to help church members understand the symbolism in what happens as well as the motivations of the Philistine leaders.
Explain: why do the magicians suggest golden objects? What do they remember about Egypt? How does the cart and the cows serve as a final test that the Lord was responsible for the happenings in Philistia?
Explain/Apply: what do the events in Philistia show us about the Lord? How do they confirm that we will all be eternally lost apart from Jesus Christ?
The holiness of the Lord and the Israelites
Explain: recap the ark’s coming back to Israel and how they respond to it. Why are those men killed and how does that confirm a casual attitude?
Explain/Apply: how do most Christians tend to think about worship? What does it really mean to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth?
Explain: how did Jesus exemplify joyful worship in his life and ministry?
Apply: what does joyful reverence mean when it comes to preparing for worship? Our children in worship? Our own participation in worship?
Prayer of response
Heavenly Father, thank you for clearly revealing yourself to us in your Word. Thank you for what you have taught us here about your power, your holiness, and your glory. Truly there is no one holy like you Lord. Thank you for sending your Son to satisfy the demands of your justice. We ask that you would graciously consider his death for sin to be our death, and his righteousness to be our righteousness.
Please forgive us for thinking that you can be controlled and manipulated, and for our casual attitude when it comes to worship. You have gathered us to be part of your people, joined us to your church, and united us to Christ by your Spirit. Help us now to learn what it means to meet with you and to do so with a joyful reverence. The joy of knowing we can come to you through the blood of Christ our Saviour, coupled with the recognition that you are great and glorious.
In particular help us to properly prepare for worship and to concentrate during the worship service. May it be our desire to worship you according to your Word and not according to our preference, and will you show us where we need to make changes in this regard. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
1 When the Philistines captured the ark of God, they brought it from Ebenezer to Ashdod.