Psalm 49:10 (ESV)

10 For he sees that even the wise die; the fool and the stupid alike must perish and leave their wealth to others.

For the author sees that wise people, persons with insight, die. So, not only the foolish and unwise people die but also the wealthy people (and the poor). And however much you possess—be it a lot or very little—all of it falls into the hands of others—children, family, or even your enemies. There is a saying, your last shirt contains no pockets.

Over against that, we see that with many nations, their dead received many things to take along in the grave. The clearest examples of this are the sarcophagi of Egypt’s pharaohs. The pyramids contained enormous treasures. Also, Germanic people gave their dead items to take into the grave.

Yet everyone dies, and all their possessions amount to nothing then. Therefore, jealousy is futile, as well as being fearful for people with much money or power.