1. 1 Kings 1:43 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on 1 Kings 1:43 (Summary)

1 Kings 1:43 (ESV)

43 Jonathan answered Adonijah, “No, for our lord King David has made Solomon king,

Jonathan denied Adonijah’s assumption that he was the bearer of good or pleasant news. In the terms of his denial, the interpretation that we have suggested of Adonijah’s assumption is confirmed.

From Adonijah’s perspective it was the worst news that he could possibly be given. …King David has made Solomon king, Jonathan said. This was bad news for at least two reasons. Firstly, this news destroyed Adonijah’s bid for the kingship, and secondly it placed him in mortal danger of the revenge of Solomon concerning Adonijah’s probable plot to have him executed. The pit that he had dug for Solomon was now a danger for himself. The truth of this we will see as Jonathan’s report continued.