1. Genesis 3:9 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Why does God first speak to the man, since the woman sinned first?

Genesis 3:9 (ESV)

9 But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”

In short

The reason God speaks to the man first is

  1. the man bears greater responsibility for the sin; or

  2. uncertain.

Eve disobeys God first by eating from the tree and then sharing the fruit with Adam. When God confronts the couple, he confronts Adam before Eve. That God confronts Adam before Eve seems strange given the fact that Eve sinned first, so why does God do this?

When we look at the larger context, we find that even before Eve was created, God commanded Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:16–17). After this the text explains that Eve was created, and the two shall become one flesh (Gen. 2:24). Genesis 3 immediately begins with the serpent tempting Eve, and she disobeys God by eating from the tree that Adam was commanded not to eat. Adam follows in her disobedience, and then God confronts the man as he tries to hide in the garden. Given that the command was initially given to Adam and that the two are one flesh, it is likely that God confronted Adam first because he carried the greater responsibility. God entrusted the command to Adam, but Adam ultimately failed to uphold his responsibility.

Another author argues that there is not enough information in the text to conclude why God confronted Adam first. While it is noteworthy that Eve sinned first and Adam was confronted first, since the text offers no explanation for the reverse, the reason remains inconclusive. The modesty of this view is commendable, but it might raise the interpretative bar too high. We often make inferences from texts when information is missing.

In the end, since God entrusted Adam with the command, it is likely that Adam carried the greater responsibility not to eat from the tree. Since Adam carried the greater responsibility, God confronted him first.

Interpretation 1:
God speaks to the man first because he bears greater responsibility for the sin.


Before Eve was created, God commanded Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16–17). Later, Eve eats from the tree, and when she offers the fruit to Adam, he too cannot resist the sin (Genesis 3:6). When God confronts the man and the woman, God addresses the man first because the man was commanded not to eat from the tree, so he carried the greater responsibility.

God places people in various positions of responsibility in both the family and the community. To receive responsibilities from God is an honour, but these must be taken seriously, especially when they involve God’s commands. By grasping God’s commands, we become responsible for keeping them. While it is true that we fall short of God’s commands, and need the reconciliatory work of Jesus Christ, we are called to continually fight the temptation to disobey God.


  • Kenneth Mathews


Interpretation 2:
We cannot be sure why God addresses the man first.


When Eve eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, she disobeys God’s command. Yet, when God confronts the couple, he addresses Adam first. We cannot be sure why God addresses the man before the woman.


  • Victor Hamilton
