The devil knows that God’s people are prone to deception, that the best way of destroying the church is often not through direct persecution, but through the introduction of heresies and errors. He is certainly doing his best to deceive and confuse wherever he can.
Prosperity preachers often quote from many Bible passages, especially the promises of blessing found in the Mosaic covenant. They do not understand how the old covenant (Moses) relates to the new covenant (Jesus Christ), and as a result they claim that those who have enough faith can expect to be richly blessed by God with prosperity.
In black African communities, Jesus Christ is certainly considered to be important, but many teach that he has not come to abolish the worship of ancestors. Jesus is presented as the chief or preeminent ancestor. We can worship Christ and continue living as before engaging in the various rituals and traditions of ancestral worship. This is not true.
In the Western world, our newspapers, television programs, and even seminary faculties have been captured by the Marxist ideology of identity politics. We’re being told that since the Bible was written by men and since those men were conditioned by certain social expectations, all the commands relating to sexuality or the value of life must be reinterpreted.
1 As soon as all the kings who were beyond the Jordan in the hill country and in the lowland all along the coast of the Great Sea toward Lebanon, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, heard of this,