1. Galatians 3:26–4:7 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Galatians 3:26–4:7

Galatians 3:26–4:7 (ESV)

26 for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.

  • Introduction

    The concept of justification by faith is the central idea of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. We have the conviction that we enjoy God’s favour today and can look forward to eternal life in his presence because we have faith in his Son Jesus Christ. He gives forgiveness of sin and peace with God for all who are united to him.

    In defence of this idea the apostle Paul has told us where he got it from, and he has also given us evidence to back up his claim. In terms of origins, the idea came from God. From the beginning, it was God’s plan to justify his people through faith in his Son, and so, when Jesus Christ met Paul on the road to Damascus, that same gospel was communicated to him, communicated by the risen Lord.

    In terms of evidence, the doctrine of justification by faith is also affirmed by the coming of the Spirit, God’s dealings with Abraham, as well as the place of God’s law. The law—the covenant made with Moses—did not replace the one that came before. No, it actually served the Abrahamic covenant. By setting forth God’s perfect standard of righteousness, it revealed sin so that we will recognize our need for a Saviour, so that we will set our hope on God’s promises in Christ.

    Now, in Galatians 3:26—4:7, Paul will emphasize the key implications of justification by faith for the life of the church. 

  • Inheritance of sons

    • Explain: what is the biblical concept of sonship?

    • Explain: what is the inheritance that comes to those who are sons of Abraham, sons of God?

    • Explain: how does baptism serve to confirm the reality of sonship?

    • Explain: how does the Spirit serve to confirm the reality of sonship?

    • Explain: why can we (as sinners) be sure and confident that we have the status of sons? What did Jesus do in our place and on our behalf?

  • Unity in Christ

    • Explain: how does the concept of being an heir/slave relate to the Mosaic law?

    • Explain: what is the meaning of Paul’s words in Galatians 4:1–3?

    • Explain/Apply: what does sonship imply for Gentile believers living in Galatia? 

    • Explain/Apply: are we allowed to have barriers to fellowship in the church? What are some common barriers or distinctions in society? How can we make sure those distinctions do not interfere with our life together as God’s people?

    • Explain/Apply: does unity in Christ mean that distinctions are irrelevant?

  • Concluding prayer

    Heavenly Father,

    We thank and praise you that we can call you our father, thereby acknowledging that we are one family—brothers who share in a wonderful inheritance that has been won by our Saviour, an inheritance of life in your presence, a future with you in glory, a relationship in the here and now, the shift from being children of wrath to being sons of God and heirs of Abraham. What a privilege we have! We, who are sinners deserving wrath, may call you Father, knowing that you delight to hear our prayers and that you care for us day by day so that not a hair can fall from our heads, all because we are united to your Son Jesus Christ—the one who perfectly obeyed your law and bore the curse that we deserve.

    We praise you for the privilege of adoption, that you have made us part of your family, that you have sent your Spirit to work a true faith in our hearts when your gospel was preached in our midst. Please would you continue to work in our hearts by your Spirit. May he help us to remember what we have learned from your Word so that we will pursue the unity that we have in Christ. Help us to get rid of any barriers to fellowship and, where we are tempted to erect more, convict us and bring us to repentance. Help us also to pursue unity in our conversations and the time we spend together. May we not form cliques and groups according to our distinctions, but speak to everyone. 

    We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.