1. 1 Samuel 25:1–44 (ESV)
  2. Application

One God in three persons

1 Samuel 25:1–44 (ESV)

1 Now Samuel died. And all Israel assembled and mourned for him, and they buried him in his house at Ramah.

What does 1 Samuel 25 reveal about who God is (Father)?

  • The LORD is sovereign. He keeps his servant from committing a grave sin that would disqualify him from the office of king before he has taken up that office.

  • The LORD is just. He brings vengeance in his time on those who do wrong. 

  • The LORD communicates. Through his Word and by the lips of his servants, the LORD guides his people in their daily circumstances.

  • The LORD rewards. Under the terms of the old covenant, the LORD promised blessing for obedience (cf. Deuteronomy 28).

What does 1 Samuel 25 reveal about what God does in my place and on my behalf (Son)?

  • Jesus Christ is the perfect King. He obeyed God’s law in all its requirements and submitted to the will of the Father. He never took the law into his own hands and remained faithful to the end. Because he lived the perfect life, he was able to give his life as a ransom for foolish sinners, for those who were by nature God’s enemies (cf. Romans 5:6-10). In doing so, God can show mercy to me (because the penalty of my sin has been paid by his Son Jesus).

What does 1 Samuel 25 reveal about what God does in me and through me (Holy Spirit)?

  • God the Holy Spirit helps me to hear and listen to God’s truth when it comes from the lips of fellow believers. He softens are prepares my heart to respond in faith rather than closing me ears.