1. Luke 17:33 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Luke 17:33 (Summary)

Luke 17:33 (ESV)

33 Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.

These words of Jesus make us think back to Lot and his wife. Lot was willing, without looking back, to save his life, but his wife could not let go of the life in Sodom. The one saved his life, the other lost everything. These words were an encouragement for his disciples to keep Jesus in their minds and in their hearts.

“In this time they lead a discrete life with Jesus, and they lose prestige in the world. They must be willing to sacrifice everything. When they take this on, they will enter a new life within God’s kingdom, when the Son of Man returns.

For those who cannot accept this Son of Man in his low position (as man), and cannot let go of all things, for his sake, will eventually receive less when the glory of the Son of Man is revealed on the last day.”1

These words remain relevant throughout the ages, till the time that Jesus returns. Only those who love Jesus above everything and everyone else, will keep their life (see Luke 9:23–26).