1. Luke 17:30 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Luke 17:30 (Summary)

Luke 17:30 (ESV)

30 so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

In both examples mentioned, the people did not believe that their lives would suddenly end. Noah was a crazy man in their eyes; after all, who would build a big boat on dry land? And the people could not stand Lot, who lectured them on the laws of God. Just be quiet, they said, or we will take care of you. We write our own rules and do not want to be lectured by anyone.

In both cases this proved to be a fatal mistake.

That will also become clear, according to Jesus, on the day when the Son of Man returns. Jesus speaks here about himself. The Jewish leaders did not recognize him as the Messiah, sent by God. They rejected his claim (compare Luke 17:24). They even wanted to kill him. That happened in Jerusalem, shortly after these words were spoken. Away with him (Luke 23:18) was heard from the mouths of many people. Since then, many people have shrugged their shoulders about Jesus. We do not need a saviour on a cross. We can save ourselves. That also will prove to be a terrible mistake.

One day, as Jesus himself says, the day when the Son of Man is revealed will come. Especially, the word revealed is remarkable. This shows that God will have a hand in this event. Surely, the Son of Man shall return; that day will certainly come.

The intriguing question for each person will be then, Have I prepared myself for this? Have I taken this into account? Have I, in all that I have done and gone through, entrusted myself to the Saviour who was given to men? Do I love Jesus above everything? Whoever in his life on earth cannot say Yes to this, has no future on that great day when Jesus will present himself as the Almighty and Glorious One (see Revelation 1:7).