1. Revelation 13:8 (ESV)
  2. Application

Nations Will Worship this Kingdom

Revelation 13:8 (ESV)

8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.

If you ask, How is it possible that all the nations of the world come together in one kingdom like that? There is so much division, I turn your attention, for example’s sake, to the first election of our current president in 2008. I know it has been a number of years, but do you remember watching that election? The images on television from all over the world? All the world wondered about that man. They viewed him as the one who would bring hope and change and who would save the world from all of its problems – from Africa to Europe to Asia to the States. Now, the current president is not the Antichrist, so far as I understand, but he is probably an unwitting contributor to the future anti-Christian power. There is in my mind a picture of his election back in 2008 of how humanity will rally around a man who they believe will give them the things that they want.

Now think that this Antichrist and his kingdom will actually be able to give them what they want! What do you picture in your head when you think of this worldwide anti-Christian kingdom? Are you picturing dark storm clouds in the sky over the face of the earth, with lightning and thunder cracking and rivers of blood running in the streets and people screaming under the tyrannical rule of the Antichrist? If that is what you are thinking, that is not it at all. Don't let the description of this anti-Christian kingdom as a terrible, terrible beast out of the sea make you think that the peoples of the earth are going to view it as this terrible, terrible thing. It is a terrible beast to those who can see it with eyes of faith. But from all earthly, superficial views this anti-Christian kingdom is a kingdom that is the ideal that mankind has always been striving after. The text says, remember, that the people love this beast. They love this kingdom. They are wondering at it. They stand in awe of what it is able to do. They are crying out in worshipful adoration, Who is like unto the beast (Revelation 13:4b).

It is the meaning, too, of the fact that this beast rises out of the sea. The sea represents the nations and peoples of the whole world. The apostle John himself tells us that again in Revelation 17:1–18 where the Holy Spirit brings back this beast and gives inspired commentary on it. Revelation 17:15 explains the waters of the sea: The waters which thou sawest…are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. So the vision is saying to us that this beast – this kingdom – is rising out of all the nations of the earth. The nations and peoples of the whole planet are the pot which produces this beast. This kingdom then not only covers all the nations of the earth, but together all nations of the earth produce this kingdom. All the peoples of the earth support this beast. All nations here have given their yes to his power, and all languages have united to speak with one voice, Long live this king! They love the Antichrist and his kingdom. They are enthralled by it. Don't imagine that the anti-Christian power is a power that rules only by force against the will of man with an iron rod. It is a kingdom that is inspiring and that is attractive to humanity. A kingdom that people love and will be willing to sell their souls to. Think of clean streets and think of no more class warfare. Think of wealth for all men. Think of peace and prosperity like the world has never known before.

The love of money is the root of all evil. And [will not] all men upon the face of this earth join together at the prospect of wealth for all men? Is it not money that is driving the world together to be one as we speak? The world is being united economically before it is being united politically. A political union follows an economic union of the world. One global economy will produce one global kingdom. For to man the prospect of money in great supply and all of the pleasures that that money can buy is more important to them than all the natural things that divide them. When you picture this kingdom, picture the poverty issue solved and the hunger problem taken care of. Think of astonishing advancements in science and industry. Think of all the mysteries that God has written into His world fully discovered by man and put into play in the life of society. Think of leisurely work days and the wealth to be able to satisfy every desire. It will be a smooth running machine, for a time, of central command that is able to give men everything that they want.

This is exactly why it will fool those who cannot see with eyes of faith, even in the nominal church. It might even appear, from an outward point of view at least, that the cultures of the world have been transformed. It is not going to look like Detroit. It is going to look like a nice, polished, clean, functioning society. It will be the epitome of all of man's dreams, the utopia that all men have been striving for in the history of this world. It will be sinful man's version of heaven – money and pleasure and access to what I can get with most of the consequences removed.

If you were to ask the question of Lord's Day 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism to those who are in this anti-Christian kingdom, they will respond this way: My only comfort in life and in death is this kingdom. It removes so much of my misery in this life and it makes it possible for me to fulfil my every desire. All men wondered at the beast.1

Cory Griess