1. Revelation 13:8 (ESV)
  2. Application

God’s people preserved

Revelation 13:8 (ESV)

8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.

There will be God's elect upon the face of the earth during the rule of this beast. There will be God's elect on the face of the earth throughout the forty and two months – the whole New Testament era in which this beast is slowly rising out of the sea. And by the power of their election in Jesus Christ, God’s people will be preserved, beloved, come what may. The devil can try his worst. The text makes plain that not quite everyone will worship the beast and the dragon. Revelation 13:8: And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. God's own will be preserved.

God does not intend, beloved, that we be shaking in our boots at the end of Revelation 13:1–10. He does not intend that we run into our closets and hide, or that we no longer bear children so that our children don't have to face this and so that they won't deal with the threat of being consumed by this kingdom and its blasphemous mouth. He will preserve His people! It is amazing that there are His people now upon the earth, if you think about it. There are [God’s people] throughout the earth, and there will be at the end too, when the beast has fully emerged from out of the nations of the world. It will be difficult, no doubt about it. It will be a terrible time, from one point of view, for the church of Jesus Christ. But the names of God's elect are written in the Book of Life. They are united to the Lamb slain from before the foundations of the earth. In the eternal decree of God they are already covered in the blood of the Lamb before they even ever face this beast and its persecution. And therefore, their preservation depends upon the electing God, beloved, and not upon them. And the line of grace that runs from election in all eternity to those elect in time is a line that cannot possibly be severed! As strong as this anti-Christian kingdom is, it is not that strong. The Antichrist may kill the body. As the text says, those who must be killed by the sword must be killed by the sword. The Antichrist may kill the body. He may deny us free course in this world. But no man – not even this man – will be able to pluck us out of our Father’s hand. With that, be at peace. Keep your eyes up. That is the patience of the saints. He is coming. He is coming to take us home.1

Cory Griess