1. Revelation 13:5–7 (ESV)
  2. Application

God sovereign over the anti-Christian kingdom

Revelation 13:5–7 (ESV)

5 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.

This kingdom is under the sovereign, absolute power and control of God
The devil shall not undo God's purposes with His world. In fact, the devil’s purposes are part of God's own purposes with this world. Christ will return, will defeat the Antichrist, will remove him and the devil from this world and fashion the new heavens and new earth. God will do that. God will ensure that. For God remains in absolute sovereign control of the devil, in sovereign control of the Antichrist and of every agent in this kingdom, and of all things, to the end of the age.

The text itself tells us that with four was given's in the text. Revelation 13:5a: There was given unto [the beast] a mouth speaking…blasphemies. Revelation 13:5b: Power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. Revelation 13:7a: And it was given unto him to make war with the saints. Revelation 13:7b: Power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And beloved, it is God Himself who is the Agent of these was given's. God who remains in control gives this to happen. He is sovereign, even over this. And though God has given this earthly political worldwide blasphemous kingdom so much power that all peoples of the earth will cry out, Who can make war with this beast?, the same God who has given that beast to have that power will also take up that challenge of the men of the world and will say, Who can make war with the beast? I will show you who can make war with the beast! And He will send His Son to the destruction of that kingdom. For He is King, and will show Himself mighty on behalf of His people and on behalf of His perfect plan and the glory of His own name. His Son Himself personally will destroy this Antichrist (as we will see later in this series). And destroying him, He will take His people home.1

Cory Griess