Revelation 19:12 says He is crowned with many crowns. The word for
crownsthere isdiadems– the crowns of the conquering kings. No longer, beloved, does He wear the crown of thorns that had been pressed upon His head by the unbelieving who had mocked Him! Now He wears the crowns of one who is the King of all the earth – many crowns to show His sovereignty over all things in the four corners of this earth. He is the sovereign Lord of all in His coming, having been set at God's right hand upon His ascension. All power had been given to Him in heaven and in earth. There is absolutely nothing that is outside of His sovereign control.The beast of the Antichrist, remember, had been crowned with many crowns – ten crowns Revelation 13:1 says. But he was an impostor. He was a farce. His ten crowns were paper crowns upon his head. Now the one with true authority, with the true crowns, reappears upon the history of this world to expose that impostor for what he was and is, to show that He is the sovereign over all things (sovereign over that impostor too!) in all of His kingly control.1
Cory Griess
12 His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself.