1. Revelation 11:3 (ESV)
  2. Application

The true Church will prophecy for 1260 Days

Revelation 11:3 (ESV)

3 And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”

Revelation 11:3 says God gives them to prophecy 1,260 days. Those who are in the inner sanctuary – the true church of Christ – preach and teach and speak and live in the midst of this world as a testimony. They declare God's Word, as a prophet does. They are mouthpieces of Jehovah God for what is true, on behalf of Jehovah God Himself. And they do that for a full 1,260 days. If you have been paying attention throughout this series, you know what that means already. 1,260 days: If you do a little math, you know that that is the same as the 42 months mentioned in Revelation 11:2, where the heathen overrun the city and the outer court (the false church). And it is also three and a half years, and it is also time, times and half a time. These are all the same thing. They are all time markers which (we said in a previous sermon) refer to the entire New Testament age.

As there is apostasy throughout the New Testament age, there is that outer court – there is nominal Christianity. Those who remain faithful are called not to hole up, but to live as a light in the midst of this world. To send missionaries. To live as witnesses. To spread the truth of the Gospel. To carry out the Great Commission that Jesus Christ gave. They must do that every day, throughout the whole New Testament age. That is why the three and a half years is put as days with regard to the two witnesses (1,260 days). Because every single day, day by day, throughout the New Testament age, God's true people must be living for Him in the midst of this world, shining the light of His glorious gospel and truth in their light, in their life and in their witness.1

Cory Griess