1. Matthew 7:1–6 (ESV)
  2. Application

Gathered together for life in community

Matthew 7:1–6 (ESV)

1 “Judge not, that you be not judged.

Throughout his sermon, Jesus has encouraged his disciples again and again to make it their aim to please the Father. Indeed, pleasing the Father is to be the focus of kingdom citizens, it is the purpose for which we were created and also the reason for our redemption. Jesus Christ has made us part of God’s people; he has brought us into the kingdom so that we can know God and worship him in truth.

And so we have seen that we are to pursue perfection as God our Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). When it comes to obeying the law, we do not set up an alternative standard; rather, we pursue the true purpose and meaning. Likewise when it comes to our religious duties, we are not hypocrites who need to win the approval of men in order to merit God’s favour. No, we are children, children who are confident of God’s love because of our union with Christ. Children who want to please the Father in response to his grace. To forgive as he has forgiven us, doing good to all those we meet (Matthew 6:1–18).

As we go about the Father’s business, we do so also with the conviction that he will give us everything we need. There is no need to spend all our time gathering money and possessions. We are not pagans who have to live our best lives now. No, our lives are safe in the Father’s hand, our future in the new creation is secure–nothing comes to us by chance, and though there will be hardship and pain as we wait for Christ’s return, we know that he is working behind the scenes for our ultimate good (Matthew 6:19–34).

It is a great privilege to be part of God’s kingdom. It is a great privilege to know God as Father, the forgiveness of sins and the certainty of his favour. There are wonderful blessings that come to those who trust in Christ, and we must realize that these blessings are shared with all those who are part of the family. That is to say, there are many citizens in Jesus’ kingdom, many sons and daughters who have believed in his name and been adopted as children of God. God has gathered us together for life in community, and in that community we must look out for each other. We must treat each other as family; we must not behave in the same way as the hypocrites who do not know God.