1. Matthew 6:1–8 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Matthew 6:1-8, Matthew 6:16-18

Matthew 6:1–8 (ESV)

1 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 6:16–18 (ESV)

16 “And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.

I           Introduction

Give a summary of the truths that have been conveyed in Matthew 5. Jesus is the prophet greater than Moses, the Messiah who was promised, and he has been telling us what life looks like in the kingdom of God. Specifically, he has been explaining how kingdom citizens, that is, Christians, ought to behave. Thus far he has reconfirmed the meaning and correct interpretation of several commandments. He has shown us that our ethical standard is God and not fellow man or society. We must strive to be perfect as our Father is perfect, a righteousness beyond that of the Pharisees. Finally, as the one who inaugurates a new covenant and brings to fulfilment what was previously revealed, he has also confirmed where God’s law is differently applied.

Under the old covenant, you will remember that Israel was a theocracy. A kingdom ruled directly by God. And if you were a citizen in Israel, you were a member of the church. There was a political entity, a national border, a geographical territory where you could find the people of God. Now, with the coming of Christ, that will no longer be the case. In the new covenant, the link between church and state has been severed. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is not the principle for judgments at the church council meeting, neither does the church bear the sword. And so instead of seeking vengeance and justice when we are wronged by brother, we must turn the other cheek. And instead of war against enemies, we pray for those who seek to do us wrong.

Going forward, Jesus will continue to teach us about kingdom living, and today his focus is on our motivations. Why do we want to obey God’s law? Why do we want to learn and practice godly disciplines and habits? Why do we want to go to worship, to pray, fast and give?

II          Aiming to please the Father

A          Explain: What should be the aim of our service to God?

B          Explain/Apply: What is the kind of giving that Jesus is rebuking/correcting?

C          Explain/Apply: What is the kind of prayer that Jesus is rebuking/correcting?

D          Explain/Apply: What is the kind of fasting that Jesus is rebuking/correcting?

E          Explain/Apply: What is the main message Jesus seeks to convey?

III         Children, not hypocrites

A          Explain: Why are all people (Christians included) prone to hypocrisy? What is hypocrisy?

B          Explain: What has God done for the believer in Christ? What is the relationship that exists between him and God? Why can he call God Father?

C          Explain/Apply: How should Christians think of God? What difference should this make when it comes to their works of service?

D          Explain/Apply: How should Christians respond when other people notice their good works?

E          Conclusion: There are many good works that God has prepared for us to walk in, many new and godly habits that Christians must learn to cultivate. There are a lot of opportunities to be generous, to pray and devote ourselves to God in his service. As those who belong to God through faith in Christ, let us do these things with the right motives. Let us pursue what is good because it pleases our Father.

IV      Concluding prayer

Heavenly Father:

Thank you for speaking to us again this morning through the reading and preaching of your Word. Thank you for working in us by your Spirit to prepare us for another week of service by showing us the beauty of your Son.

We praise you for our Lord Jesus Christ, for the love he has shown to us, for the way in which he has enabled us to become your children, adopted into the family of God, heirs of life eternal. We cannot fathom the wonders of this grace and the future that waits for us as kingdom citizens. So often it seems simply too good to be true...at the back of our minds, we keep thinking there is more that must be done.

Please help us to repent of such thoughts and to rest in the completed work of your Son. Help us by your Spirit to live as your children in this world, confident of your love and favour, may it truly be the desire of our heart and the motive of our actions to please you, Father. To give ourselves to the good works you have prepared, and to walk in them no matter what people around us say or do.

We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.