1. Matthew 7:1–6 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Matthew 7:1-6

Matthew 7:1–6 (ESV)

1 “Judge not, that you be not judged.

I           Introduction

Summarize what Jesus has said thus far in his sermon. Give special attention to the fact that we become part of God’s kingdom through faith in Jesus and not as a result of our works. Explain how it is a great privilege to call God Father and give ourselves to seeking his will, and that we are not alone in this endeavour but made part of a family with many brothers and sisters. Introduce the importance of looking after fellow believers.

II          The lurking danger of hypocrisy

A          Explain: What is the essence of Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:1-6?

B          Explain: What is our default and natural behaviour?

C          Explain: How does hypocrisy naturally lead to criticism?

D          Explain: Does the hypocrite allow room for different applications? Does the hypocrite want to help fellow believers?

E          Explain: What is the difference between behaving as hypocrites and behaving as children of the Father?

III         Gentleness and caution in judgment

A          Explain: How are Jesus’ words further refined by Paul in Galatians?

B          Explain/Apply: How should we respond when we see a brother caught in sin?

C          Explain/Apply: How have Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:6 historically been understood?

D          Explain/Apply: What is a better interpretation of Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:6?

E          Explain/Apply: What is Jesus encouraging Christian believers to do in relation to fellow believers?

IV      Concluding prayer[1]

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you that he came not only to reveal your will to us, but to accomplish your will on our behalf, that he came to please you in all aspects of his life. Thank you that in doing so, he was able to pay the penalty we deserve for our hypocrisy and arrogance. Thank you that his death has atoned also for this sin, so that we can know your forgiveness and call you our Father.

Please be at work in us by your Spirit to change our thoughts and attitudes. Renew our minds so that we will stop thinking that the Christian life is a competition, that more and more we will start behaving as children. Help us to love our fellow brother and sister. Here in our church family, may we speak your truth in love. In our relationships at home, in our conversations with each other—help us to be gentle, to let go of a critical spirit, to do good with our words.

Knowing how difficult it can be to correct a brother in love, we pray that you would give special wisdom to our office-bearers that they may judge rightly. Thank you for their work. Please give them strength to continue their duties, and would you raise up more men to serve here in our family.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

[1]      This prayer is adapted from Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Days 46-52.