1. Matthew 7:13–14 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Matthew 7:13-14

Matthew 7:13–14 (ESV)

13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

I           Introduction

Matthew 7:13-29 is the final section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, the conclusion to his first block of teaching on the kingdom of God. By means of three pictures, Jesus will make it as clear as possible that his words, his person, call for a response. He has not simply communicated information. He has not been sharing ideas for reflection and debate. He has not been presenting his opinion as one option amongst many, as if he is just another rabbi competing with the traditional scribes and Pharisees.

No, as God’s appointed Messiah, as the one who came to fulfil what is written in the Law and the Prophets, the Son in whom the Father delights and through whom he has spoken, he has taught with authority; he has taught what is true. He has revealed God’s standards for those made in his image and the life expected from kingdom citizens.

Truth has been shared, and now a response is required. You cannot remain neutral. You either submit to Christ, or you do not. Enter by the narrow gate or remain on the broad way. Listen to the true prophet, or be deceived by the false. Build your house on the rock or the sand. There can be no Jesus and something else, there can be no Jesus maybe or partly—it is either full submission to Jesus as King or life apart from him. The choice is binary, and it is a choice that must be made.

This is the key idea that we find throughout this final section, highlighted in different ways through the various examples. For today, we will consider only the first example, verses 13 and 14. If I can read them again: Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

II          Jesus is the narrow gate; a choice must be made.

A          Explain: Give evidence for why we can understand Jesus to be the narrow gate. What has he done so that sinners can inherit eternal life?

B          Explain: What is Jesus calling his hearers to do in response to his preaching?

C          Explain: What does it mean for Jesus to be King? How is this different from some of the typical ways in which he is viewed?

D          Explain: What does the wide gate represent?

E          Explain: What does the narrow road represent?

F          Explain: Why is the narrow road hard? Where do we typically find ourselves drifting towards…?

G         Explain/Apply: Following Jesus, a conscious choice must be made every day.

III         Eternal significance

A          Explain: What does Jesus say will happen to those who do not submit to him as King?

B          Explain/Apply: Why is Jesus’ statement not arrogant but trustworthy?

C          Explain/Apply: If Jesus is the only way to God, what does that imply for our task and duty to share this truth?

D          Conclusion: Christ is the narrow gate. He is the one who brings salvation to all God’s people and as those who have faith in him he is calling us to submit to him as our King. In this submission to Christ, there is a choice that must be made. We do not drift into faith and obedience, we must fight against our sinful nature and the pull of this world, we must establish godly habits and disciplines. And we are right to do make these choices, because our response to Jesus determines our eternal destiny. Judgment is real, it is not a fantasy. There is a day coming when Christ will return in glory, when all people will bow before him as King—those who submitted in this life and those who did not. That will be the day of our salvation if we have faith in Jesus. That will be the day of eternal condemnation if we do not.

IV      Prayer


Thank you for what you have taught us this morning through the words of your Son. Please help us to be convinced that hell is real and there is truly no salvation apart from Jesus Christ. Thank you for uniting us to him through faith so that we can share in his benefits and please keep us by your Spirit so that we will not wander from Christ but willingly submit to him.

In his name we pray, Amen.