1. Matthew 7:15–23 (ESV)
  2. Application

The presence of false prophets

Matthew 7:15–23 (ESV)

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

In the final section of Jesus’ sermon he emphasizes the choice that needs to be made by all those who have been listening to him. Jesus has shared truth from God. He has explained the meaning of God’s law; he has encouraged disciples to please the Father, to live in harmony with one another. Now they need to commit. They need to submit to him as King. Through his life and death, he will secure their future with God in glory, and in response they must learn to do what he says. They must live in accordance with his commands.

Jesus calls us to a life of self-denial, a hard road where we go against the currents of the world. There is no promise of comfort and glory in the here and now. Nevertheless, we remain committed to Jesus because there is no life apart from him. He is the gate that leads to green pastures, he is the one who brings peace with God, forgiveness of sins, and citizenship in the kingdom. These are the blessings that he gives to those who trust him.

Travelling along this road, we are now warned to watch out for false prophets. Not everyone who calls Jesus Lord is one of his. Not everyone who calls Jesus Lord is interested in his commands. Not everyone who calls Jesus Lord is united to him by faith. There are people who claim to walk the same road, even teachers, who would seek to tell us of God’s will without having entered through the narrow gate.

As much as it pains us to hear it, as much as we would like to live and let live, to tolerate different opinions in the church, to make room for a broad range of perspectives, we cannot do so if Christ is our King. We cannot do so, for there is but one narrow gate that leads to life. Beware of false prophets. They come in sheep’s clothing but they are ravenous wolves. They will not enter the kingdom and presumably neither will those who follow after them.