1. Matthew 7:15–23 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Matthew 7:15-23

Matthew 7:15–23 (ESV)

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

I           Introduction

Briefly summarize what Jesus taught and explained in Matthew 7:15-23. Remind God’s people of the choice that needs to be made in light of the truth that God has shared. Testify to the hard road of self-denial that is the call for all Christians, and that we willingly walk this road because we know that there is no life apart from Christ. Finally, draw attention to Jesus’ warning about false prophets and the danger they pose for Christians as we seek to follow Christ.

II          Distinguishing between true and false

A          Explain: Why might we be reluctant to think about false prophets and make judgment calls regarding those who teach God’s Word?

B          Explain: Why is it so important for our Christian life to distinguish between true and false teachers?

C          Explain: Who was Jesus referring to when he spoke of false prophets?

D          Explain/Apply: What are the two key marks of false prophets?

III         Wisdom and discernment

A          Explain: How are we all tempted/drawn towards what is false? What does this mean about Jesus’ warning against false prophets?

B          Explain/Apply: How can we exercise caution and discernment when it comes to the preachers that we listen to? Give examples that are relevant (for example, on radio, television, and the internet).

C          Explain/Apply: How can we exercise caution and discernment when it comes to the individuals who teach our children? Are we busy protecting them from false prophets?

D          Explain/Apply: How can the liturgy that we use in a worship service help to protect us from false prophets? Do we need to make changes in our liturgy?

E          Explain/Apply: How can church creeds and confessions help to protect us from false prophets? Do we know the ecumenical creeds (Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed)? Are we studying the Reformed confessions (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort)?

F          Explain/Apply: Will false prophets ever disappear from God’s church? How long will they continue to plague God’s people?

G          Explain/Apply: What will happen to false prophets on the day of judgment?

H          Explain/Apply: How can we be on our guard against false teaching in the church as individuals? What can we pray for?

IV      Prayer


Thank you for the warning that we have heard. We know that the Christian life is difficult and fraught with dangers—dangers from within as our sinful hearts would make us wander, danger from without as we hear the voice of false prophets and the crowds who say we are fools.

We are pilgrims in this world, and the journey is difficult. Thank you for strengthening us by your Spirit for this journey and reminding us of the care that must be taken when it comes to the people that we allow to be our teachers. May we take this warning seriously, and show greater discernment in our habits. Also, when it comes to our children—forgive us where we have allowed the pursuit of wealth or the ways of the world to dictate our decisions. Help us to make wise decisions from here on.

We ask also that you might stop the mouths of false teachers and thereby purify your church. Give us boldness also to testify to Christ and reach out to those who are being led astray.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.