Last week we started with a new series in the letter of Jude. So this is the second time that we have read through the letter as a whole. And in doing so I do not know if you noticed, but it has somewhat of a rough tone. The language is often quite strong. Jude is clearly very upset and concerned about what is happening in God’s church.
And he is right to be worried because if the gospel should be lost, if the faith once for all delivered should be changed, then there is no common salvation. Without the gospel there can be no peace with God and no prospect of eternal life in his presence. So when he hears about false teachers harming the people of God, it is good thing that he writes this letter of warning. The teaching of the apostles must be preserved. The good news of Jesus Christ must not be lost.
Therefore he wastes no time in getting to the crux of the issue. After a brief introduction he gets straight to the point.
False teachers pervert the grace of God
Read: Jude 4
Explain: who are the false teachers and how did they come into the church?
Explain: how did these teachers change the grace of God? Give examples suitable for your church.
Explain/Apply: biblically, what does God’s grace do for his people? How is this different from what the false teachers were saying?
Nothing new, the example of history
Explain: why does Jude give examples from history?
Explain: the first example from Exodus.
Explain: the second example regarding the angels.
Explain: the final example, Sodom and Gomorrah.
Explain/Apply: what is God’s grace?
Slandering of that which is not understood
Explain: what is the slandering that these people did?
Explain: why does Jude use this story of Michael and the devil?
Explain/Apply: what would slandering look like today?
Contending for the faith
Apply: do not sit at the feet of those who use love as an excuse to ignore God’s commandments.
Apply: examine your heart and mind.
Apply: contending for the faith will be met with opposition, are you ready?
The grace of God is a grace that transforms the lives of his people for the better. He has loved us with a love that we do not deserve, he has made us part of his family, and he will keep us for Jesus Christ. Let us therefore contend for the faith, rejoicing at the grace of God, careful not to pervert it for our own ends.
4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.