1. Mark 10:9 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What does the expression "joined together" denote?

Mark 10:9 (ESV)

9 What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

With the expression “joined together” we could think of a span of draft animals before a wagon. The verb refers to a harmonious joining together (suzeugnuein): it is found only here (and in Matthew 19:6) in the New Testament. God joins together two human beings for a task: whoever dissolves such a span causes also their task to remain undone. The idea that God had a task and goal in mind for marriage is evident from the fact that God made human beings man and woman, and from the instruction to them to leave father and mother when they get married: God forms a new and separate lifespan. Whoever dissolves a marriage brings God’s wagons to a standstill. He considers the opinion of humans and forgets God. But where the hardness of heart is replaced by reverence and obedience, people will be fearful of undoing God’s creation and his order.1