1. Revelation 2:18–29 (ESV)
  2. Application

Satisfaction in the Lord alone

Revelation 2:18–29 (ESV)

18 “And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: ‘The words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze.

Jesus Christ does not tolerate that his church should permit in its midst members who seek their daily needs from any source other than their Lord and Saviour. No good husband would tolerate two-timing from his wife; Jesus certainly doesn’t. Given the majesty of the triumphant and exalted Christ, his people need not and may not look anywhere else than to him alone for their daily needs. The Heidelberg Catechism says it well: That for the sake of my very salvation, I avoid and flee all idolatry, witchcraft, superstition and prayer to saints or to other creatures. Further, that I rightly come to know the only true God, trust in him alone, submit to him with all humility and patience, expect all good from him only, and love, fear and honour him with all my heart (Lord's Day 34, Question and Answer 94). Trusting the idols (or trusting Jesus Christ plus idols) is immorality.