1. Judges 3:6 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

How significant is the mention of intermarriage for the rest of Judges?

Judges 3:6 (ESV)

6 And their daughters they took to themselves for wives, and their own daughters they gave to their sons, and they served their gods.

It is important not to underestimate the significance of this remark. “As a reader proceeds through the book...the evidences of this problem increase. Gideon, who has a Shechemite concubine, has a son, Abimelech, who is as Canaanized as can be imagined (Judges 8:29 – 9:57). Gilead’s cohabitation with a prostitute (Judges 11:1) produces Jephthah, who, in typical Canaanite fashion offers his daughter as a sacrifice. Samson represents the ultimate embodiment of this problem. He marries a Philistine, and when this fails, he resorts to Philistine prostitutes (Judges 14:1 – 16:31). In the narrator’s mind this domestic pattern represents further evidence of Israel’s failure."1