1. Amos 5:1–17 (ESV)
  2. Structure and outline

Overview and outline of Amos 5:1-17

Amos 5:1–17 (ESV)

1 Hear this word that I take up over you in lamentation, O house of Israel:

Amos 5:1–17 is the third oracle of judgement against Israel. The tone of this third speech is somewhat different than what has come before. Amos laments, he cries about the situation in Israel. Though he also lists a number of sins, there is an urgent plea for the people to seek the LORD and live. In this speech his genuine concern for a people perched on the brink of destruction is very evident.1

Amos 5:1–17 has a very particular arrangement that needs to be noted and taken into account when preaching on this passage.

  • Lament as announcement (Amos 5:1–3)

  • Encouragement to seek the LORD and live (Amos 5:4–6)

  • An accusation against Israel (Amos 5:7)

  • A hymn of praise to God (Amos 5:8 a-e)

  • The LORD is his name (Amos 5:8 f)

  • A hymn of praise to God (Amos 5:9)

  • An accusation against Israel (Amos 5:10–13)

  • Encouragement to seek the LORD and live (Amos 5:14–15)

  • Lament as announcement (Amos 5:16–17)