1. Amos 7:10–17 (ESV)
  2. Application

The Word of God makes us uncomfortable

Amos 7:10–17 (ESV)

10 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, “Amos has conspired against you in the midst of the house of Israel. The land is not able to bear all his words.

The Word of God, the word of Holy Scripture, is a word that will make us uncomfortable. It is a Word that will challenge our thinking and our habits. It comes from outside our culture and it critiques the culture in which we live. Our life in our family, at work, in church, or at school with our friends—nothing is off limits to God.

Each of us will struggle to accept different parts of Scripture. Maybe it is the Bible’s teaching about judgment and hell—we do not want to hear about a God who holds us responsible for our actions—eternal punishment, that is something for the Middle Ages not for today. Maybe it is the uniqueness of Jesus Christ that offends you. In modern society, the claim that there is only one way to God seems very arrogant—what about Muslims and Hindus? Other offensive parts of Scripture could include the Bible’s teaching on our use of wealth, tithing, and justice for the poor, or the need to physically gather for worship on the Lord’s Day—that is very unpopular when there is fear and persecution. Likewise the concept of male headship in church and in the family is increasingly rejected as is the need for sexual purity and the fact that marriage is between one man and one woman for life.

We all have problems with the Word of God—if you are a part of a church community where God’s Word is faithfully taught, there will be times where you get angry and upset. It is unavoidable. But if we submit to the Bible and listen to what God says, then that will keep us from being blown along with the spirit of our age. As uncomfortable as the Word of God may be, the fact that it is an independent voice from outside makes it worth listening to. We need to let God speak to us, we need to hear God’s voice.

This topic should also help us realize just how important it is for us to pray for our minister. Today, the prophetic office of teaching and proclaiming God’s Word finds its expression in the work of a pastor, and there is always a temptation to soften God’s Word in order to keep people happy. Pray for those who have been called to serve as ministers of God’s Word, that they will teach clearly and be faithful to God’s Word even if it might upset people in their church.