Amos 5:1–6:14 (ESV)

1 Hear this word that I take up over you in lamentation, O house of Israel:

Amos 5:1-6:14 contains two woe oracles against the evils of Israel, presented as warnings to which they must respond. The focus is on meaningless worship (Amos 5:18–27) and lavish indulgences (Amos 6:1–14). In both cases the people of Israel have no concern for the coming judgment of God. They have a false sense of security and a misplaced confidence, thinking that the day of the Lord will be one of victory (Amos 5:18) and that Mount Samaria is impregnable (Amos 6:1). Both oracles conclude with a clear prediction of what is to come: exile (Amos 5:27) and invasion (Amos 6:14).1