The second example is that of slavery. If a person was a slave at the time when he was called to faith, he should not be anxious (concerned
) to become free.
The second sentence in this verse is so brief that its meaning is somewhat unclear. The Greek text ends with the words rather make use of
(mallon chresai). There are, then, two ways to read this sentence:
But even if you can gain your freedom, rather make use of your slavery.
But if you can gain your freedom, rather make use of your freedom.
Although both interpretations are possible, the second seems more natural and likely. This interpretation is also reflected in the ESV translation. A slave may welcome the chance to go free, but freedom should not be the focus and hope of his life.
21 Were you a bondservant when called? Do not be concerned about it. (But if you can gain your freedom, avail yourself of the opportunity.)