The prophet Obadiah received his revelation from God about Edom sometime between 597 and 553 BC. Most likely is the period of time immediately after 586 BC, when the people of Israel were taken off into exile.
After King Nabonidus of Babylon defeated the Edomites in 553 BC, the Edomites were driven from their homes and their political power was destroyed. Over the next one hundred years, the remaining Edomites gradually settled in the Negeb region, since the Arabian Nabateans occupied and controlled their former territories.1 As a result, the Negev region became known as Edom's land
or Idumea.
During the period of Judah’s political resurgence under the Maccabees, the Idumeans were defeated in battle, and several of their cities were taken. The final subjugation of their land was accomplished by John Hyrcanus (135–104 BC).2
The prophecy of Obadiah was thus fulfilled in history. Edom was destroyed in 553 BC and the people of Israel/Judah were also responsible for exercising judgment over Edom when their descendants finally subjugated the land of Idumea. The people of Israel returned to the Promised Land after their exile. There is thus an initial partial fulfilment of everything that Obadiah prophesied.
The final fulfilment of Obadiah’s prophecy has not yet come. The people of Israel never regained the Promised Land to the extent that Obadiah prophesied. This shows us that the final fulfilment of Obadiah’s prophecy is not to be seen in the physical occupation of the Promised Land by the nation of Israel, but the time when the Lord Jesus Christ returns and all of God’s people from all corners of the world are gathered to him in the new heaven and the new earth. This is also the time when all people will realize that the Lord is sovereign and that he alone is King (Philippians 2:11).
18 The house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau stubble; they shall burn them and consume them, and there shall be no survivor for the house of Esau,for the LORD has spoken.