Paul rejected flattery, and instead sought, by example and instruction, to lead the new believers to a life worthy of God
Christian living must be inspired and empowered by a vision of God who calls us into his kingdom and glory
One of the primary motivations for a life of obedience comes from a vision of God’s kingdom and glory
The power for Christian obedience comes from God’s ongoing call and activity in the life of a believer
Those who seek to lead others on the road of discipleship need to set an example
It is frighteningly possible to be involved in ministry while living a life that denies God
Our example is necessary for showing people how to live a Christian life
Our own faithfulness is a powerful weapon in God’s hand as we seek to minister to others
God uses our words as we exhort, comfort, and urge others to live a life worthy of God
God has ordained that words can be very powerful tools in ministering to others
We need to beware of flattery as we lead people in the Christian walk
There needs to be an urgency in our exhortation
Special care is needed with people who are suffering hardship, loss, or tragedy
Response to pastoral care: we should all be responsive to the ministry of Christ’s shepherds (and others!) in exhorting us to a life of obedience
10 You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you believers.