1. Joshua 16:1–17:18 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Joshua 16–17

Joshua 16:1–17:18 (ESV)

1 The allotment of the people of Joseph went from the Jordan by Jericho, east of the waters of Jericho, into the wilderness, going up from Jericho into the hill country to Bethel.

  • Introduction

    Relate Joshua 16–17 back to Joshua 15

    In Joshua 15, God puts his people in a particular place where he wants them to serve him. Wherever you find yourself—that is exactly where God wants you to be. Our service is never going to be perfect, we need a King who can live the perfect life in our place and on our behalf. Having been made part of God’s family through faith in Jesus Christ, we must now seek to obey and serve God in the places where he has placed us.

    In Joshua 16 and 17, the Holy Spirit seeks to help us become strong for works of service in the places where God has placed us. First he shows us some of the common excuses we make to avoid obedience. Then he will also show us the means he uses to strengthen us so that we can do the good works that God has prepared for us.

  • The sin that remains

    • Explain how the people of Joseph have been given a great allotment

    • Explain why the people of Joseph complained, were discontent and lazy, and why they were able to change God’s commandments

    • Apply: explain how each of these problems are also found among us today. Give real life examples relevant to the church members

    • Explain why the Spirit has given us these examples; he wants us to realize our weakness and repent when we make these kinds of excuses

  • How the Spirit strengthens us

    • Explain how the daughters of Zelophedad are an example of bold faith

    • Explain how the Word spoken by Joshua was meant to encourage

    • Explain how the Spirit uses examples and preaching to encourage God’s people to pursue obedience today

    • Apply: are you diligently making use of the means of grace?

  • Conclusion

    To conclude, let us remember what God has promised. In Christ we have an inheritance that does not fail or spoil. Our sins have been forgiven and we have been made part of God’s family. Through our work God will provide for our bodily needs and by his Spirit he will help us to fight against sin. Everything we need to serve God in this world has been given to us. So let us do the good works that God wants us to do. Let us lead our families in worship. Let us keep the marriage bed pure and make plans to fight against temptation. Let us pray for the glory of God’s name and the good of his church. Let us honour our parents by calling them regularly, washing the dishes, and tidying our bedrooms.