1. Joshua 24:1–28 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Joshua 24:1-28

Joshua 24:1–28 (ESV)

1 Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem and summoned the elders, the heads, the judges, and the officers of Israel. And they presented themselves before God.

  • Introduction

    Perhaps begin by commenting on Joshua’s famous words in verse 15, But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. These words are often written somewhere in people’s homes on fridge magnets or posters. They are a great encouragement in times of hardship, a reminder that a family is committed to the Lord.

    Mention that by considering the context of these words we will come to understand why they are appropriate not only for Joshua and Israel but also for us today.

  • The Lord is powerful and gracious

    • Explain how the summary of Israel’s history testifies to God’s grace.

    • Explain how the summary of Israel’s history testifies to God’s power.

    • Apply: in light of who God is (powerful and gracious) it makes sense to serve the Lord.

    • Explain/Apply: the New Testament likewise calls us to serve God in response to his grace and power shown in Jesus Christ.

  • The Lord is holy and jealous

    • Explain why Joshua tells the people they cannot serve the Lord.

    • Explain what it means for the Lord to be holy.

    • Explain what it means for the Lord to be jealous.

    • Explain why Joshua says that the Lord will not forgive Israel’s sins and how this points to the old covenant.

  • Serve the Lord with all your being

    • Explain why it makes sense to serve the Lord.

    • Apply: give specific examples of what service to God might look like. Focus especially on service in the household/family seeing as Joshua said, Me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

  • Conclusion

    Let us therefore, in light of God’s grace and power—knowing that he is holy and jealous, knowing that he keeps his promises for judgment and deliverance, knowing that there is a place in his presence for all who trust in Christ his Son—let us commit to serving him, come what may. Let us set aside those sins that we treasure, let us fight against our evil desires, let us establish disciplines and habits that will have lasting benefits, and let us resolve afresh this morning that even if our friends and family should forsake the Lord and turn their backs upon him, as for me and my household, I will serve the Lord.