1. Proverbs 14:25 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Proverbs 14:25 (Summary)

Proverbs 14:25 (ESV)

25 A truthful witness saves lives, but one who breathes out lies is deceitful.

Even good men can find themselves in trouble, such as when they become targets for the malice of evil plotters (Proverbs 14:22), or the negligence and oppression of the rich (Proverbs 14:20) and their lives may be in danger through such scheming.

 It is then that those confirmed in their cowardice, greed, or laziness—whose motivation is pragmatic rather than principled—will speak according to their natures which twist the truth. Thus they betray the truth and those standing on the truth. This is especially serious and damaging when the truth lies hidden beneath appearances.

Those who speak the truth have a gratitude towards and love for Him who is the Truth (John 14:6). Therefor they bring truth’s revealing power to dark situations and set free the one under the power of falsehood.