Proverbs 27:7 (ESV)

7 One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet.

Here is a proverb concerning the relative nature of taste in this life. It is a fact that when one has an abundance of good things, gratitude often diminishes instead of growing. Yet when we lose all, then we are thankful even for crumbs that may fall our way. Though this phenomenon is true, it ought not to be so for believers. Our gratitude for and delight in God’s blessings should increase as the blessings increase. The more of Christ we have, the more we should hunger and thirst for him. The purer a ministry of the Word is, the more the people sitting under it should be grateful, especially when there are many who would give almost anything to hear one of the sermons which a blessed congregation may take for granted weekly.