1. Mark 10:13–16 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Focus of Sermon on Mark 10:13–16

Mark 10:13–16 (ESV)

13 And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them.

In keeping with the goal of the middle section of Mark’s Gospel, your sermon must explain to people what Jesus expects from those who wish to follow him. In essence, you are explaining to people what the Christian life involves and what true faith in Jesus should look like. Your explanation will need to highlight the fact that Jesus calls us to this life on account of who he is (Mark 8:29) what he has done for us (Mark 8:31) and what he will do when he returns (Mark 8:38).

Your explanation will focus in particular on the Bible’s teaching regarding children and how we ought to come to Jesus. It should therefore be as practical as possible in order to help people understand how biblical principles should be applied in their life and circumstances.