1. 1 Samuel 21:1–22:5 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for 1 Samuel 21:1-22:5

1 Samuel 21:1–22:5 (ESV)

1 Then David came to Nob to Ahimelech the priest. And Ahimelech came to meet David trembling and said to him, “Why are you alone, and no one with you?”

I           Introduction

During his time on earth, both before and after his resurrection, Jesus Christ made it clear to his disciples that the Christ was destined to suffer (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34; Luke 24:45-47). Indeed, it is written that the Christ should suffer. It was an integral part of his calling and work. Such claims have puzzled many commentators. Jews in particular claim that there are simply no Old Testament prophecies that talk about the need for the Messiah to suffer. It’s one of the main reasons they give for why Jesus could not have been the Messiah.

In answer as Christians we often point to the famous words of Isaiah 53, the suffering Servant who was bruised and crushed for our iniquities and that is certainly a clear and good passage to know. But we must also remember the life of David. Anointed by God, there can be no doubts that he was the pre-eminent old covenant king. An example of faith to follow. A model of repentance. He serves as a picture of what the true Messiah would accomplish and what we should expect from his life.

And he shows us that suffering was a big part of it. It is written that the Christ should suffer.

II          A test of faith for David

A          Explain: What was David likely feeling/thinking as he goes to Nob? Why does he go there?

B          Explain: Why does David lie? How does the LORD respond to him with grace?

C          Explain: Why does David go to Gath? Why does he act foolishly? How does the LORD respond with grace?

D          Explain: What change has taken place in David when he comes to the cave at Adullam? What has he learned?

E          Explain: How does David point forward to the true Christ? What are the parallels between his experience and the experience of Jesus? What are the differences?

III         Trusting God to provide

A          Explain/Apply: Will Christians be spared from suffering and hardship? What kind of troubles will we have in our lives?

B          Explain/Apply: What is the purpose of hardship and suffering? How does God want us to respond? How can we help each other? 

IV      Prayer of response

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout his life he suffered underserved wrongs, most especially on the cross where he bore your wrath against our sins. Thank you that these sufferings were foretold in life of David and that you have shown us that you provide for and look after your people. Encourage us by your Spirit to know that those who belong to Jesus, you will also look after and provide for us. Do not allow us to become despondent when we go through difficult time. Do not let us make plans to avoid godly suffering for the sake of our own comfort. Strengthen us to obey your commandments and to honour you in those times when we life is upside down. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.