1. Mark 6:1–6 (ESV)
  2. Structure and outline

The thread running through the preceding passages

Mark 6:1–6 (ESV)

1 He went away from there and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him.

Before we come to Mark 6:1–6, we need to be fully aware of other events that have taken place in this unit:

  • Mark 4:35–41 – Jesus and his disciples leave on a boat from Capernaum toward the other side of the lake. During the journey, there is a big storm and the boat is almost sunk. Jesus gets up and does something that only the Lord can do: he speaks to the wind and waves and they obey him—it is quiet. In response to Jesus, the disciples are frightened. Jesus challenges them to trust him rather than be afraid.

  • Mark 5:1–13 – Jesus and his disciples arrive at the other side of the lake. They meet a demon-possessed man who throws himself down in front of Jesus. The demons are afraid that Jesus will destroy them (5:7) because they know he has power over them. Jesus gives them permission to enter a herd of pigs that subsequently run into the sea and drown.

  • Mark 5:14–20 – When the Gentiles living in the area realize the man has been healed and is no longer a danger, they are afraid (5:15). The person who had the power to heal the man must be very powerful and dangerous. They do not know Jesus and they do not bother finding out more about him. They are scared of him and ask him to go away (5:17). Jesus instructs the man to tell his friends what has happened to him (5:19).

  • Mark 5:25–34 – Having crossed back with his disciples (5:21), Jesus is surrounded by a crowd in Capernaum. A woman who has been bleeding for twelve years knows that Jesus has power to heal her. However, she is not sure if he would be willing to do so. Nonetheless, she approaches Jesus and secretly tries to touch his clothes. When Jesus asks who touched him, she is very scared and falls down before him (5:33). Jesus warmly encourages her not to be afraid but to go in peace, for her faith has healed her (5:34).

  • Mark 5:31–43 – Jesus is approached by an important man from the synagogue and asked to help this man’s daughter. The man thus shows courage and faith—courage because he comes to Jesus even if the teachers of the law do not like Jesus, and faith, because he trusts Jesus to be able to heal his daughter. When the news reaches them that his daughter has died (5:35), Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.” Even though it looks foolish to people (5:40), Jairus must believe Jesus has the power to raise his daughter.

In all the events mentioned, a common theme is identified. Fear and faith. One response to Jesus is fear (Mark 4:41, Mark 5:7, Mark 5:15, Mark 5:33), the other response is faith (Mark 5:20, Mark 5:27–28). Jesus wants people not to be afraid of him or his power, but to trust him as the one who wants to help them.