The first angel had instructed all mankind to worship the Maker of heaven and earth (Revelation 14:7). Yet this followed the dragon's giving his power and throne and great authority to the beast (Revelation 13:2), so that the whole earth worshiped the beast
(Revelation 13:4, Revelation 13:8); indeed, the second beast of Revelation 13:11 prompted people to make an image of the (first) beast and even make that image come alive—and be deadly (Revelation 13:14–15). Despite the messages of the first first (and second) angel, people persisted in worshiping this beast and its image. The third angel describes their stubbornness in plain language.
9 And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,