And Jude 1:24 continues:
Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.He is also able to present you faultless in the presence of his glory. Can you do that? Try showing up at the throne of God and saying,Here I am, faultless!What a joke! What a deception! But Christ, by the amazing gospel, is able to present every one of the sinners whom he has saved, faultless in the presence of God.Oh, the faults that I have here! What a faulty specimen of humanity every one of us is! How far we have fallen from the glory which Adam possessed before he sinned! But Christ came to restore that glory. Christ came to restore in sinful man, the image of God which had been marred beyond recognition by the curse of sin, and he is thus able to present you faultless. And not just faultless on a casual meeting on the street, but in the presence of his glory. When the full orbed glory of God is ablaze—in such a setting Christ presents us faultless. Should I not therefore earnestly contend for the faith? The faith by which that presentation of faultlessness is brought to my very heart and soul.1
John McKnight
24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy,