Daniel 4:23 (ESV)

23 And because the king saw a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven and saying, ‘Chop down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump of its roots in the earth, bound with a band of iron and bronze, in the tender grass of the field, and let him be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven periods of time pass over him,’

There will be a negative message from God for the king. Because what will happen to the tree that reaches up to heaven? What happens to that strong and impressive tree that seems to guarantee man’s eternal kingdom? The tree in the dream is cut down. The tree that seemed so magnificent and impressive is completely degraded. The leaves and branches are removed. The animals that were protected in the tree disappear. No more fruit is found on the tree either. The strong tree that had provided such great development is cut down. When people ask about the tree that gave so much life, the answer will be that it is gone. 

The tree in question is Nebuchadnezzar himself. In this way he will lose all his glory. This ingenious spirit, this world ruler is no longer visible in the world. The kingdom of man cannot sustain itself even with its greatest developments. It cannot build an eternal kingdom for itself. You also see this in the time after Nebuchadnezzar, as well as with the ideologies of the last 100 years. Communism cannot bring the eternal state of bliss, nor can capitalism bring eternal happiness. Stock markets collapse, an economic crisis shows how shaky the foundation of capitalism is. There are many people who will feel and experience the poverty and misery of this human system during their lifetime. No human ideology, no political party, and no human ruler can bring about the eternal kingdom.