1. Revelation 15:1 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Why is it significant that John sees this sign “in heaven”?

Revelation 15:1 (ESV)

1 Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and amazing, seven angels with seven plagues, which are the last, for with them the wrath of God is finished.

John was imprisoned on Patmos Island on account of the gospel (Revelation 1:9). In Revelation 14:1–5 John writes about being taken to heaven so that he might see the things that needed, by God’s design, to happen on earth in the course of the new dispensation. God almighty, the one who determined and planned all that was to occur, dwelled “in heaven.” John goes to his dwelling place to learn his plans for this world. In Revelation 15:1–8 John is still “in heaven” as God “in heaven” shows him further detail of the things that must take place on earth.