1. Daniel 3:3 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Daniel 3:3 (Summary)

Daniel 3:3 (ESV)

3 Then the satraps, the prefects, and the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the justices, the magistrates, and all the officials of the provinces gathered for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. And they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

Of course, some people are unable to be present on account of special circumstances, such as illness. One of the people who is not present is Daniel. He too would certainly not kneel before this image. In the plain of Dura the united nations of the world are gathered as represented by their delegates. They are called by Nebuchadnezzar to be here at the dedication of this grand image, all to bring him glory. The more nations that are present at the dedication of this image, the greater the glory for Nebuchadnezzar. It soon becomes clear what his purpose is.