1. Daniel 7:10 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Daniel 7:10 (Summary)

Daniel 7:10 (ESV)

10 A stream of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the court sat in judgment, and the books were opened.

The fire that is around his throne and emanates from it symbolises the truth we read in the letter to the Hebrews, Our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). He burns away all opposition to him. His judgments pave the way for the completion of his plan. No one can stop him as his holy fire forever destroys everything that is unholy.

Then there are the multitudes who serve him. We should think here especially of the thousands, yes millions, of angels. We see here the consummate greatness of his glory and appearance!

Everything is made ready for the great trial. The judge is present. The court now takes their seats and the books are opened. The judgment can now proceed because all the evidence that is needed is there. When the books of God are opened, nothing is missing. Nothing remains hidden. For the opening of the books, see also Revelation 20:12–15. The Lord knows exactly what kings and rulers have done, including all use of their power to fight against Christ’s Kingdom. It is counted as guilt against them when they have acted against Christ’s church, against the saints, and when they have tempted to lead them astray.