The little horn rebels against the Most High, the Lord, speaking words against him. The horn, an offshoot of the fourth beast, openly blasphemes God and presents itself as an opponent of the Lord. It persecutes the church of Christ, and even achieves victories against the church. It seems as if the saints are conquered forever.
This power tries to turn societies around in such a way that anything that still reminds one of obedience to Christ will be done away with. Times must change radically. Whatever in public life still reminds one of the Christian faith needs to disappear as much as possible. This is indicated by the words, he shall think to change the times and the law.
People want to be free to live according to the desires of their own sinful hearts. Those who oppose this and openly declare that it is wrong, that it is sin, will be mocked and even persecuted. They are specifically those, who based on their love for God and people, are calling others back to Christ as the King of our life.
The persecution that is deployed can be expressed in violence, but it can also be persecution where we retain our freedom but are constantly told that we are old-fashioned and discriminatory. We no longer fit in with modern times and are told we actually hold backward views. This persecution is and will be intense for Christ’s church. A great trial for believers is to be put in prison, but as Christians we can also be tested by increasingly experiencing pressure as a minority in society because of our faith and are therefore attacked and despised. The great temptation, as a result, is to adapt a little so that we are acceptable again in the eyes of those around us. We are enticed to compromise with the ideas and feelings of our modern, secularized society.
When we see how this demonic power is growing, there is also encouragement in the symbolism of time represented as a time, times, and half a time.
This is the same kind of symbolism used for time in Revelation 13:5, where the apostle John talks about forty two months. This is three and a half years combined. Three and a half is half of the number 7, which points to perfection, to the goal being achieved. This horrible anti-Christian power does not get beyond half of what it aims to achieve. It does not get beyond three and a half, while the Lord through it all accomplishes his Divine purpose. Christ continues to reign and he preserves his church in history through everything, and at the end of history, the church will even reign with Christ over everything!
25 He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.