In Genesis 5:3 we are told that Adam fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image.
In the present life all people bear the image of Adam. We are of dust. But in the future we will bear the image of Jesus Christ. Our bodies will be like his body. Moreover, we will be free of sin, holy as he is holy (see Romans 8:23–30).
Notice Paul’s repeated use of the word man
(1 Corinthians 15:47–49). Christ became a man to redeem those who, because of the sin of the first man, were subject to death. He became our brother, in order that we may live through him and share in his glory (Hebrews 2:10–18).
Paul has now given a clear answer to the questions of his opponents: How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?
(1 Corinthians 15:35). God will not reassemble the dust particles that had been buried. He will transform our bodies so that they will no longer be of dust, but of heaven. Based on 1 Corinthians 15:39, we can say that our flesh will be of a different kind from what it is now.
49 Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.