Like the body of our forefather Adam, our bodies are presently of dust.
But our resurrected bodies will be like the body of Christ, our spiritual forefather. Just like his resurrected body, our bodies will also be of heaven.
In 1 Corinthians 15:50 Paul uses another term for the body that is made of dust: flesh and blood.
He explains that flesh and blood is perishable and not suited for heaven. This suggests that the body that God gave to Adam was never intended to be his permanent body. If Adam had not sinned, God would have given him (and his offspring) glorified, heavenly bodies. Because Adam sinned, his body of dust was cursed to return to dust (Genesis 3:19). Now only those who are in Christ have the certain hope of redemption and a new, heavenly body.
48 As was the man of dust, so also are those who are of the dust, and as is the man of heaven, so also are those who are of heaven.