Habakkuk 3:10 (ESV)

10 The mountains saw you and writhed; the raging waters swept on; the deep gave forth its voice; it lifted its hands on high.

Creation language is used to describe the awesomeness of God’s attack upon the Babylonians. The imagery depicts what he did when he sent the flood to punish the wickedness of mankind. The forty days of rain rose upon the earth and covered the mountains so that they were reshaped. The water pressing upon the earth caused much stress upon the land. The raging waters swept everything away that was in its pathway, bringing swift destruction on everyone and everything.

The words, the deep gave forth its voice described God’s judgment upon creation, resulting in it having to suffer. The creation groans for the time it will be delivered, as Paul wrote in Romans 8:19–21. The suffering of creation is further highlighted in the words, it lifted its hands on high which referred to them surrendering to God in defeat. Just as creation was subject to the anger of God, the Babylonians will encounter his judgment.