Exodus 2:1–10 (ESV)

1 Now a man from the house of Levi went and took as his wife a Levite woman.

God is in control. Israel groans and cries for help (Exodus 2:23). It seems God has forgotten his people and does not fulfill his promises. Pharaoh oppresses his people. But God is working out the plan of redemption. He uses five women who thwart the Pharaoh’s genocide—the two midwives who feared the Lord (Exodus 1:17), the mother and sister of Moses, and the daughter of Pharaoh. God shows Pharaoh’s impotence to destroy God’s people. God works in unexpected ways, also in our days: his kingdom is like a mustard seed (Luke 18:18–19)—very small, but it grows and becomes a big tree.

By faith the midwives and the mother of Moses are able to resist the Pharaoh (concerning their faith, see Exodus 1:17 and Exodus 1:20—midwives; and Hebrews 11:23—Moses’ parents). They join the cloud of witnesses as inspiring examples for us to live and act in faith (Hebrews 12:1). Trust the Lord Jesus who endured opposition of sinful men but now sits at the right hand of God. Do not grow weary in oppression (Hebrews 12:2–3).